Report a property maintenance issue

Please ensure that all relevant information is filled out in order to guarantee that your repair is handled as soon as possible. To help the tradesmen handle your repair more effectively, please supply as much information as you believe relevant to the repair, including photos.

Expected Repair Timeframes

  •  Emergency – 24 Hours
  • Urgent – 5 Days
  • Routine – 20 Days

Emergency Repairs

For an emergency (e.g. leak, potential plumbing or electrical hazard etc.) please call our office immediately on (071) 9159222. To report emergency out-of-hours repairs, please contact (083) 379 8285.

The out-of-hours number is for real emergencies which, left unattended until the office is next open, are likely to cause possible injury or serious danger to health.

PSL Number: 003530